I always think about ‘Competition’ because most of the people says, “problem of everything is so much competition”.
What is that competition and how it affects us?
Now a days most of the youth has graduated or matriculated passed that’s y there is so much competition? Or We as a youth of India are incapable to produce jobs or we are incapable to fulfill our dreams? I heard so many times, population is the problem of India? But population also means, we have more number of brains, not so?
I believe, we Indians are not patriotic. When someone talk in favor of Pakistan we all went against him or her. And when government bring some new tax slabs, we started planning how to save income tax. We try hard to save so much money to not pay to our own country. It is not difficult to understand for anyone that we are not patriotic. In case of Pakistan, because we hate them, brings us together. There is no patriotism. And I don’t know, why we hate them?
We Indians never respect our nationality. I have seen we Indians not feel proud to carry ourself in Indian wears. We always wear suits, Tops, Jeans, shirts. We feel Indian (ethnic) wears are old fashioned. I have seen the parents priority for their child is English language rather than Hindi. I have seen people went abroad and started praising about the other country and downgrading their own country. Then suddenly some face from India get some global recognition and suddenly we all feeling proud and praising our country.
We Indians are so much selfish. We don’t care about our surroundings. We don’t care about our laws. We don’t care about how our wrong practices spoil the system. We don’t care about our responsibility. Then some day we went abroad for settling down there with their family for their better future. The land which gave us livelihood, where we spent our childhood, which gave us culture, identity, we left it and never give it back anything.
We love to live a comfortable life. That’s y we pollute our own cities with toxic air because everyone wants to go by their own convince. Our only goal is money, luxury and we can gain it with any way because that is the only way to achieve comfortability.
We know to do business. We are master in that bargaining. We don’t believe in others. We are very much suspicious. That’s y we buy branded because desi mein to milavat hai.
We love to study from international schools. Because sarkari schools or public schools have no quality. We pay more than enough for education and then we want education should reach to everyone.
We are very much hygiene that’s y we throw everything on the roads or into the rivers. And ofcourse there are some people to whom we call zamadaar and they will clean that filth.
But still, I am proud to be an Indian because this is a land of god and great people.