Develop stronger mind-
There are five or may be more points to make our mind stronger. I am only sharing the five points which I realize to share with you all.
Stronger mind is the mind which is not easily distracted from their goal by intangible forces.
(You can read about intangible forces in psychology blog).
Our mind is always stay occupied in getting something done, in some thoughts, in some daily tasks (exercise, walk, housework etc). So we have to first free our mind or calm our mind to make it stronger.
It needs the willpower, pain bearing capacity, challenge accepting behaviour, Step-In decision, Dedication, of a person to develop the stronger mind.
Willpower- In easiest words if I convey to you about willpower, it represents how much courage a person has to push themself to the limits. As an example, how many of us can eat twice or only once a day? How many of us can stay hungry for 7 days or more? How many of us can bear the heat and cold? How many of us can walk or cycle longer?
The major force which works in these circumstances is the belief. The belief that I can do this. The belief that I can stand these circumstances.
Bear Pain- I really put stress on this point. The capacity of bearing pain should always high of a person. Because it increases the strength of our soul. As our body needs food to communicate, to walk, to run likewise our soul needs pain to get stronger. Stronger the soul stronger the mind.
Accept the challenges- Most of us decline at very first. The reason may be the fear or the laziness of a person. In our work area so many times it happens, before leaving we get some work which we have to finish before leaving.
Here is the interesting fact, whenever I say yes in those situations, most of the time I finished it ontime. But whenever I didn’t make it ontime, it gives me a kind of satisfaction that I accepted the challenge. I felt that I have learned something. I felt my confidence has increased then before.
In our life, so many small small challenges came. We should happily accept that. Our decisions made us difference in our life which at that time doesn’t show results but later results will reveal to you of those decisions.
Step-In- In our life, sometimes situations created in which we have to prove that we are not coward. Those situations are actually very terrible, very scary and we have no option but to perform or otherwise we lose ourself. Remember that always Step-In to the zone which scares you the most. Believe me there will be nothing.
Take out the result- This point I raise to indicate to focus on your goal or task. Dedicate yourself to the task and never leave the task until you will not get the results. Most of us give up the task and they never able to see the results. Everything is hard here to achieve but not impossible. Accept this fact and you will make it.
You can get the details of calming mind in stability blog.
Thank you for reading..